


The College prepares Teachers of character dedicated to their profession and to teach in secondary school, Orients them to cherish national and cultural values of secularism, communal harmony, democratic ideals, makes them imbibe with such ideas so as to be agents of women emancipation. The College offers two year B.Ed. Course. and is open to the students of all caste/ religion and creeds, As much freedom of religious beliefs of students will be respected.


  1. A Candidate is not allowed to abandon the course in mid session.

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  2. If she does so, she will not be entitled of the refund of fees already paid to the College.

  3. According to NCTE norms, computer Science is an important component of B.Ed. curriculum.

  4. The student's name is liable to be dropped from the rolls, if she remains absent continuously more than 10 days without Notice.

  5. A trainee must attend all College functions and participate in co-curricular activities organized by the Institution.

  6. All the trainees must also attend all College functions and cultural programmes, seminars, debates, picnics, community services, exposure programme, educational tours etc.

  7. No trainee shall collect any money as contribution for picnic, trip, educational visits, get-together, study notes, charity or any other activity without the prior permission of the Principal.

  8. No students should invite any person for any function or dialogue in the College without the  prior permission of the Principal.

  9. he trainees are expected to take proper care of the College property and help to maintain the premises neat and tidy.

  10. Uniform :B.Ed. 1st Year

    1. Blue Saree & Blouse

    2. Light Green Kurta & Yellow lower

    3. Navy Blue Blazer , Black Sweater

    4. Black Shoes

  11. Uniform :B.Ed. 2nd Year

    1. Green Saree & Blouse

    2. Light Green Kurta & Yellow lower

    3. Navy Blue Blazer & Black Sweater

    4. Black Shoes

  12. Uniform :M.Ed. -1st Year

    1. Blue Saree with Red Border & Blue Blouse

    2. Check Purple suit and White lower

    3. Blazer-Purple,Sweater-Black

    4. Black Shoes

  13. Uniform :M.Ed. - 2nd Year

    1. Orange Saree & Blouse

    2. Light green Kurti & Yellow lower

    3. Bazer-Black,Sweater-Black

    4. Black Shoes